Ashtar Pendant
09/2020: Light Crystal of the month
The Ashtar Pendant connects you instantly with the Heart Matrix of the Star Brothers and Sisters who work for this Earth. You feel their loving presence from heart to heart, because they have been waiting for this contact with you for a long time. They accompany you and connect you to higher worlds of light. They bring you the cosmic brilliance of the stars, ignite your true light potential and increase your light consciousness.
Adonai Ashtar and the Star Brothers and Sisters create a diamond light connection from your heart to their light matrix and to the higher realms of light. They build a powerful field of light around your aura, in which you are protected.
It is currently one of the most important pendants, considering the circumstances of the time. The pendant helps you to integrate your luminous star aspects and to create light channels for our earth.
Short meditation: Go into heart contact with the Star Brothers and Star Sisters