Prism Sphere
05/2021: Light Crystal of the month
The Prism Sphere is ideal for times when you feel tense inside and take things that come your way very hard. It helps you to let go, to get back into energetic flow and lightness.
With the Prism Sphere you feel the presence of your Divine Mother Mary, who is full of grace, joy and purity. She enwraps you in her protection full of security and love.
Mother Mary helps you to fill your aura with the divine color rays
The beautifully gleaming Prism Sphere connects you instantly with the crystalline Rainbow Sphere. From this Sphere it sends the color ray into your aura, that you currently need. Therefore it is wonderfully suitable to energetically cleanse your aura and to nurish it with new light.
For example, do a short meditation in which you can proceed like this:
Ask her to transform all negative energies together with you and to clear the aura.
You can speak, for example:
"Beloved Mother Mary, I invite you into my heart. Please help me to transform energetic blocks in the crown chakra / heart chakra / ... and lead it into salvation. Give me the color ray that I need right now for this. I ask you for healing for..."
You can also ask Mother Mary for her heavenly advice, for example:"How do you view this situation from your superior position?"
Or: "What can I do now? What do you advise me to do?"
The Prism Sphere