Receive the Golden Grace of Easter

04/2022: Channeling of the month from Jesus Sananda

We have been going through an intense time of individual and collective transformation in recent years. Perhaps you too have had painful experiences. Jesus Sananda wants to comfort you, open your heart and heal your soul. For in the coming Easter time of grace, all things are possible!

2022 04 channeling jesus sananda
Jesus Sananda speaks:

“Beloved Soul of Light, in your heart I kindle the golden flame of my heart. It liberates and redeems you from the old matrix of pain. Give me all your pains through which you have passed over space and time. Give me also the suffering you see and feel in this world. Your energy body, which carries all the pain, will be released from it and completely transformed by the golden flame of my heart.

My golden flame of resurrection, grace and bliss liberates and elevates you.
It establishes the Christ Matrix (Christ Grid) within you.

I am overjoyed when many people open their hearts on Easter so that I can enter completely with my grace. Open your heart and I will give you the golden grace of Easter, the golden Christ Consciousness.
I am establishing the kingdom of my heart in you.”

Channeled Kyria Deva


Further channelings of the month

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