Rollercoaster of emotions

06/2020: Channeling of the month from Buddha

Many of us are currently experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. So many news, so many uncertainties. Sometimes you feel good, then you feel nervous, sad or angry. And you ask yourself: How do I stay even-tempered when so much is coming at me from the outside?

Buddha the Enlightened One speaks about it:

“I am the eternal light of almighty OM. An infinite and all-embracing radiance emanates from me. It flows through all worlds and universes.

The present time is a daily master exercise for you, to remain always aligned, in your heart, connected to the Source and to stay in radiant presence.
Release yourself from the entanglements and matrices, from the bondage and hardships of this time. You can surrender energies from the outside world that frighten you, hurt you, make you sad or angry, into the stream of my love and transform them with the love of the Holy White Brotherhood.

Unite with me and feel my divine radiant presence and steadfastness. Through me – and thus simultaneously through you – the OM, suns, worlds and the bright shine of universes flow.
Everything is changeable and changes in the moment towards the Divine. In this calm presence, serenity and absolute certainty that everything changes into light, you can completely free yourself from external entanglements and let yourself fall trustingly into the arms of God.“

Channeled Kyria Deva


Further channelings of the month

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