I ignite a Golden Flame of my Christ Light in your Heart

12/2022: Channeling of the month from Jesus Sananda

The Advent and Christmas season is the time of the Golden Christ Grace. Grace means receiving a gift from the Heart of God without having to do anything for it. This gift is symbolized in the baby Jesus, who came to Earth directly from the Heart of God, from the divine source, and incarnated as a human being.

Jesus Sananda gives you his unconditional love in this graceful Advent season. He simply gives himself without asking what he will receive in return. He gives himself to you completely. Open your heart to him as you read his words below.

2022 12 channeling jesus sananda
Jesus Sananda speaks:
“Once I was born on Earth as a little Christ child in a physical body in modesty and humility. I came to Earth as a newborn pure divine child, for I wanted to bless the whole of humanity from the beginning.

Now I come to you as the ascended Master in my light power and glory and ignite the Christ Light in all hearts. I gift you a golden flame of my heart and ignite it in your heart. In this way, the New Age is born in the hearts. It is the Golden Age of the Christ Consciousness. Now all the concerns and worries of the present time fall away from you, for I bring you the joy, peace, comfort, and assurance of heaven. You can rise again radiantly, and you know, ‘I am embraced, guided and always provided for from the Divine.’

The Christ Light of the Golden Age spreads within you. Let go of all that is old. Just leave the old burden, the backpack of the millennia behind you and leap forward in trust, in assurance in the Christ consciousness of the New Age. All lethargy falls away from you, for I, Jesus Sananda, bring the spirit of new beginnings into your heart: Come soul, lift yourself up and stride forward, for the Golden Age is already here.”
Channeled Kyria Deva


Further channelings of the month

Litios-Lichtkristalle und Lichtdiamanten im Auftrag von Erzengel Metatron - Heilsteine für eine neue Zeit - Merkaba
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