A storm is upon us

08/2021: Channeling of the month from Archangel Metatron

A storm is upon us and around us. In these shattering times, Archangel Metatron wants to give us absolute faith in God, that we will be steered and guided through all cliffs.

Lightlord Metatron speaks:
“The more difficult the times are, the more grace and guidance you will receive from your lightful spiritual guidance and from the heart of God. To every problem there is already a high vibrational lightful answer – an energy that directs and guides you. You can trust absolutely. Just open your heart and let yourself be flown through by waves of light.

These light waves come from the center of the galaxy, from the center of the universe. They pour out and flood this earth. Again and again they pulse through the universe and take hold of this earth. The earth is lifted in the flow of energy into a higher frequency.

Old buildings and systems are collapsing under these waves. Do not be impressed or pulled back into the currents of the old consciousness. Rather, let these waves of light flow through you and uplift you.

The light waves from the heart of God anchor the perfect primal faith to your root chakra, to your golden roots. Have the absolute trust that you will always be taken care of – just as children trust. In this golden flow, you are filled with the immeasurable abundance of the universe. Just like the ascended ones, for they know: Everything I need, I receive at the same moment from the abundance of the universe, which is inexhaustible and eternal.

You can say: I AM the golden flow of the universe.”
Channeled Kyria Deva


Further channelings of the month

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