Ursula & Peter Schnell


“We are passionate about our Light Work with the Litios Light Crystals because we know the clearing and transformation it can bring, allowing for life-changing shifts to occur and providing for a quantum leap in consciousness.
We brought the Litios Light Crystals to North America in 2011 and continue to serve Canada and the East Coast USA with exhibitions, seminars, talks and lectures, private sessions and Earth healings.
We will assist all those that are open to bringing transformation into their lives and we invite you to experience for yourself the gift, the clarity and the intensity of the Litios Light Crystals to support you.”

Ursula & Peter Schnell
Litios Representatives Canada and USA
Barrie, Ontario
Cell: +1 416 523 7728
Mail: contact@Litios.ca
Web: www.Litios.ca

1200x1200 px.PeterUrsula Schnell

Meine Angebote zur Energiearbeit

Energetische Beratung & Einzel-Coaching zu persönlichen Themen & wichtigen Entscheidungen

berufliche Veränderung

Einzel-Coaching & Mediale Lichtkörper-Beratung zur Aktivierung der spirituellen Evolution

Befreiung von Fremdenergien und Flüchen
Erlösung von Karma und Familienkarma
Aura- und Chakra-Healing
Aktivierung der Merkaba
Verbindung zum Hohen Selbst
Gute Erdung

Meine Litios-Leistungen

Beratung, Verkauf und persönliche Einweihung in Litios-Lichtkristalle

Seminare der Metatron-Lichtschule und Meditationsabende

Hausharmonisierung und Erdheilungen

Geistige Licht-Chirurgie oder Geistige Licht-Operation


Mein Werdegang

About us

We are spiritual teachers and work extensively with the Litios Light Crystals in Canada and the USA.
We have trained with Edwin and Antje Eisele, founders of the Litios Light Crystals, in numerous trainings and seminars and are certified Metatron Diamond Light Priest / Priestess as well as Litios Light Crystal Practitioners.

In 2007, we discovered the Litios Light Crystals and they have accompanied and supported us ever since. They have accelerated our spiritual growth and have intensified our connection to the higher light dimensions and to the Angels, both in our meditations as well as in daily life.

In 2011, we brought the Litios Light Crystals to North America for the first time.
Since then, we pass on our knowledge through lectures, exhibitions, seminars, consultations and sessions.

born in Germany.

Since a young age I was sensitive to subtle energies and the thoughts of others. After having worked in biotechnical research as a biologists, I followed my inner calling to train in a variety of alternative approaches including:
Reiki Master
Sanjeevini Healing
Light Body Training
Kinesiology, Feng Shui
Kundalini Yoga (Certified teacher)
Creativ-Power Mind Training
Matrix Energetics with Richard Bartlett
Certified Medical Intuitive
Soul Genesis Readings
as well as regularly attending numerous seminars throughout the years.

born in Toronto Canada.

I have been interested in spiritual things since I was young and have been driven to find the truth of how it all works.
My background in electrical engineer and my fascination with energy work led me to work extensively with crystals and energy, training with Marcel Vogel & Co. and build precision transformational devices using Quartz Crystals and over many years.

I have also trained in:
Past Life Regressions
Kundalini Yoga
Creativ-Power Mind Training (certified trainer)
Matrix Energetics with Richard Bartlett
as well as regularly attending numerous seminars throughout the years.

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