I carry you into the coming Golden Age

03/2023: Channeling of the month from Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael tells you this month that the radiations from the light dimensions are increasing again. He wants to accompany you in this process of transformation and renewal by giving you his flame of love.

2023 03 channeling raphael
Archangel Raphael speaks:

“I, Archangel Rafael, bring the spring awakening from the higher dimensions of light into your time. My fire of love awakens the whole creation to new life.

This is also initiated on a superordinate level and leads the Earth into the spring awakening of the Golden Age. In the Higher Light Councils it was decided that a further raising of the light vibration should happen.
This happens through the opening of solar portals on Earth and in the orbit of Earth. Through these opened solar portals higher light frequencies flow in, which are poured from the central suns over your solar system and thus also over the Earth. The increase of lightful frequencies happens in waves.

You can prepare and attune yourself to this:
Open your heart and your consciousness by saying YES to the transformation process and thus basically to the process of ascension process. Ask me, Archangel Rafael, the Angel of love, to purify you with my flame of love and thereby raise your light frequency. Enveloped in my angelic wings and in my love vibrations, you will be carried into the light of the Golden Age. You are already there!”

Channeled Kyria Deva


Further channelings of the month

Litios-Lichtkristalle und Lichtdiamanten im Auftrag von Erzengel Metatron - Heilsteine für eine neue Zeit - Merkaba
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