Let the Heartbeat of God transform you

03/2022: Channeling of the month from Shiva

The year 2022 is picking up speed and a lot is happening in the world. Perhaps you also perceive it and long for a change? Lord Shiva wants to touch and strengthen you in your inwardness. He wants to accompany you in this time of outward change that is visible in the world, especially in your inner transformation.

2022 03 channeling shiva
Lord Shiva speaks:

“A new evolutionary ray is being poured out upon you, beloved. A new ray of creation touches your innermost being – and through you it touches the earth. It brings about change and transformation. This is all-encompassing, all-pervading and all-touching. You would say: No a stone is left standing.
Be ready to receive this transforming heartbeat of God within you.

So I, Shiva, am the heartbeat of God in creation. I am the heartbeat of the Eternal, who in the moment and with the next beat renews everything and transforms everything once again. It is the great transformation and rebirth in you! Unite with me, with my transforming creator power.

I am also called the God of destruction. But in truth it is the transformation. The one passes away, the other comes into being. And so it is also in you. The old is passing away and the new is already being born. For what I see in your golden future, I give to you now in a moment of transformation. This is the recreation of worlds upon worlds in you.
Be ready, be connected!

This transformation energy, this power of transformation, this primordial current of evolution I send into the earth, around the earth and into all dimensions that are connected to it. The heartbeat of God is now in you and it is now in this earth.

I embrace you and accompany you in this time of inner transformation, for you are in my heart.”

Channeled Kyria Deva


Further channelings of the month

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