The coming Golden Age is already present in you

01/2022: Channeling of the month from Archangel Metatron

For the year 2022 Metatron gives us a lightful vision of what is to come. It can already be reality in you now. While you read the following lines, open your heart for the infinite possibilities that are given to you as a child of God from the divine source..

2022 01 channeling metatron
Metatron speaks:

“The New Year brings you the golden timeline that was born out of the Heart of God and already exists. This golden timeline is the energy of the coming Golden Age that you can unify with right now. It is the luminous future of the Earth that manifests within you.
You are being uplifted and tuned into the frequency of the new Earth. Your whole system is now vibrating to the frequency of perpetual and ever new joyful manifestation experiences, just as the Heart of God from eternity had originally intended for the human species.The light souls here should experience matter in joy as creators.

This time is now beginning, for your soul has matured and you desire to be one with creation and to assume a luminous responsibility as co-creator in Cosmic Creation. A new cosmic hour has begun, and you are a co-initiator. The old disappears and is blessed, the new unfolds.”

Channeled Kyria Deva


Further channelings of the month

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